Digital Libraries: A Scientometric Assessment of Global Publications Output during 2007-16.

B M Gupta


The paper examines 12104 global publications on digital library research, as covered in Scopus database during 2007-16. Digital library research registered annual average growth rate of 7.83% and averaged 4.40 citations per paper. Digital library research is dominated by top 15 most productive countries accounting for 81.61% global publications share in 10 years during 2007-16. USA accounted for the highest global publications share (26.89%), followed by China (10.42%), etc. Computer Science accounts for the largest publication share (62.48%) in global digital library research, followed by social sciences and engineering (30.86% and 19.75%), mathematics (15.74%), etc. The top 20 most productive research organizations and productive authors contributed 13.64% and 6.90% global publication share respectively and 15.98% and 10.05% global citation share respectively during 2007-16. The top 30 journals contributed 35.15% share to the global journal output during 2007-16.

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